Tuesday, August 13, 2013

New insights into Italy

Here are few new thoughts, insights or updates since our last visit to Italy four years ago:

1. Italians are becoming more customer-oriented and friendly. They are still nowhere near as responsive or friendly as hospitality workers in the Scandanavian countries, Germany or other countries. But they are learning that, in a highly competitive travel and tourism industry, and with economies in recession, that customers (aka tourists) can not and should not be taken for granted. Hotel staff in particular have greatly and noticeably improved. Restaurant and food services are also better but service can still be spotty. Transportation workers (including airport staff, bus drivers and taxi drivers) and retail workers have not improved much.

2. Moving around and through Italy, especially with luggage, remains a problem. Streets often lack sidewalks and ramps. Hotels have small and cramped lifts and sometimes don't even have a lift or elevator. Stairs and steps are everywhere and there is often no other option than to carry your bags. Venice in particular is difficult on the elderly or physically challenged individuals as most of the city is not accessible by bus or taxis and thus walking is mandatory in most of the city. To compound the problem, most locations require traversing multiple bridges with steps and uneven surfaces are prevalent.

3. Unlike other, more modern and progressive places in Europe (Copenhagen comes to mind), tour companies, taxis and many shops and stores still do not accept credit cards.

4. Many taxis still operate without meters so knowing your routes and the tariff (or at least the going rates) in advance is a must if you don't want to be ripped-off by drivers.

5. Non-Americans still have a different and more expansive notion of personal space, so be prepared to be pushed and shoved whenever you are in close proximity to others! This is useful to know when waiting in queues entering attractions, boarding trains and buses, etc. If you are not careful about closing your spacing, you might find people butting in front of you in queues!

6. In restaurants, coperto was far less common, and servizio incluso (service included) was non-existent, during our most recent visit.

7. Always have a couple one Euro coins handy as some bathrooms, especially in the train stations, use automated pay entrances to use the toilet/bathroom.

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