Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things Hotels Can Do Better

I've noticed that hotels have been paying attention over the years, but in recent travels, there's still no hotel that gets everything right:

- More suites--the traditional two double bed hotel room is a horrible anachronism-it's no wonder many new hotels are all suites! Even for traditional rooms, I'd prefer a king or queen bed with a separate, small twin sofabed and sitting area.
- Resort Fees--build it into your room rate but don't rip off unsuspecting guests with these ridiculous add-on charges.
- Free Internet Access--hotels don't charge for air conditioning, water or clean sheets, so why charge for a commodity item like internet access? And why do only the expensive, luxury hotels charge for this?
- In-Room Phones with Free Local and 800 Access--if a hotel can't do this, get rid of the phones entirely. Everyone has mobile phones anyhow.
- Complimentary Beverage--why can't more hotels provide a couple free bottles of drinking water or other beverage? Makes your arrival after a long flight that much nicer.
- Minibars--such an obvious rip-off and insult to patrons' intelligence that most hotels have already eliminated them.
- Ice machines--they waste a tremendous amount of energy and I think they're an anachronism. Just give me a good, working refrigerator.
- More horizontal places to put your luggage and bags
- High Definition TVs--I wonder how long it will take to get these?
- Power Outlets--there's never enough of places to plug in or charge all your electronic devices
- More Hooks in Bathroom--with all the available wall space, can someone tell me why there is never any place to hang your toiletry bags, towels or clothes?
- Better Toiletries--instead of, or in addition to, hand lotion or bath gels, how about a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and/or a first aid kit?
- Alarm Clock--One that automatically resets, or is easy to reset yourself so it doesn't go off early in the morning because the last guest set it and the housekeeper forgot to reset it. And put one on both sides of a double, queen or king bed!
- Complimentary Newspaper--And not just weekdays but every day!
- Normal-sized Waste Baskets--most are so small as to be useless.
- Recycle--where are the in-room recycling tubs for aluminum, glass, plastics and newspapers?
- Free cookies, treats, drinks and coffee/tea in the reception area or lobby.
- Late Checkout--complimentary or paid use of a "late checkout room". A place to store your stuff, shower, change, etc. if you should have a late-day flight.